Join the Movement to Bring Back PHaMs and support Mental Health Recovery

Welcome to our website, dedicated to advocating for the return of Personal Helpers and Mentors (PHaMs) services. We believe in the power of a strengths-based recovery approach to help individuals better manage their daily activities and reconnect with their community. Join us in petitioning for the reinstatement of PHaMs, a crucial Australian Government initiative that has positively impacted the lives of countless individuals living with mental health issues.

Advocate for Change

Add your name to the petition supporting the reinstatement of PHaMS.

Your voice can make a difference!

About Phams


PHaMs was initially launched by the Commonwealth Government in 2006. They provided $284.8 million to establish 900 personal helpers and mentors.

The PHaMs program was delivered nationally by a range of Non-Government Organisations who tendered for funding to deliver the service. PHaMs operated successfully for over 10 years with funding from the Department of Social Services.

Sadly, by 2019, PHaMs was defunded with the expectation that the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) would adequately cater to the needs of individuals with mental health issues. However, many people living with mental health issues are left without necessary support as they are deemed ineligible for the NDIS.

how PHAMS worked

PHaMs specifically catered to people with severe mental illness who faced difficulties living independently due to the impact of their mental health issues.
Participants in PHaMs were assigned a personal helper and mentor who supported them in reaching their recovery goals.

The PHaMs program provided services to support individuals in managing their daily activities and accessing necessary services such as accommodation, social support, healthcare, welfare, and employment. It focused on building personal capacity, promoting self-reliance, and increasing community participation.

Participation in the program had no time limit, and a formal diagnosis was not required. Referrals to the program could come from any source, including self-referral.

Sharing Stories of Transformation

Hayley Harris

"Hayley's story is a testament to the life-changing impact of PHaMs. Struggling with anxiety, severe depression, and suicidal thoughts, Hayley found solace and support through PHaMs. With the guidance of a Personal Helper and Mentor, she gradually rebuilt her life, regained her independence, and even pursued a career in the mental health field. Hayley's journey showcases the transformative power of PHaMs and the importance of its return."

629,000 AUSTRALIANS are missing out on psychosocial supports

The Australian Government's decision to defund PHaMs in favour of the NDIS has left a significant gap in the mental health support landscape. Currently, between approximately 154,000 and 629,000 Australians are missing out on essential psychosocial supports. By advocating for the return of PHaMs, we can ensure that individuals have access to the holistic, personalised care they need to thrive.

We are calling on individuals like you to join our movement and petition for the return of PHaMs. Sign our petition, contact your local government representative, and spread the word about the vital services PHaMs provides. Your voice matters, and with enough support, we can address the gaps in the mental health system and prevent individuals from falling through the cracks.

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