Yvette’s poem

This poem was written by Yvette, a Pilbara local, in response to learning about the Bring Back PHaMs campaign.

"There's so much help out there, only to the mob who knows how to access this help.

I'm in the minority, who knows nothing.
After-all I feel like a no-one, I'm a nobody. Who will care for me..?
After-all I don't care for me, so why would anybody else..?

All my life I was forgotten, but who will remember me!!

I can't even think for myself, I can't care for myself - I'm just better off dead, somewhere in a gutter - just another statistic - a nobody...

So how do you get to be a somebody.
A person who can survive, when you're just a lonely, helpless, nobody.

Now I want to dream.

To change this broken down person...
Dream about being someone's shoulder to cry on, to help, even just to one.
To actually be a somebody...
To change this broken down person... Help me."

By Yvette

do you have a story to tell?

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